20 - 21 November 2024

Antwerp expo

AERZEN – Performance³
Aerzen Belgium nv

AERZEN – Performance³

Aerzen energiezuinig beluchten Energiezuinige beluchten verlaagt exploitatiekost Het grootste deel van het energieverbruik van een waterzuivering gaat naar de beluchting van de bekkens. Met de huidige kostprijs van energie en in het kader van duurzaam



Aerzen energy efficient aeration

Energy-efficient aeration reduces operating costs

Most of the energy consumption of a water treatment plant goes to the aeration of the basins.

With the current cost price of energy and in the context of sustainable working, all markets are screaming for energy-efficient solutions. This is no different for water treatment plants. Aerzen therefore offers – in addition to the Delta Hybrid – a solution for the larger flow rates that consumes 30% less energy than the normal roots blower. Both types of “Delta Blowers” are affordable and therefore extremely suitable for applications with relatively few operating hours or where the investment cost takes precedence over the energetic return.

Permanent magnet motor
The “Aerzen Turbo Blower Generation 5” achieves its high efficiency by installing a compact permanent magnet motor with much higher efficiencies than the classic asynchronous motor (up to 98%). This also makes the gearbox superfluous. This direct coupling of the impeller to the motor shaft and also the use of air bearings also contribute to lower energy consumption. This also reduces the noise by 5 to 8 dB and reduces maintenance. It is supplied as a complete package with suction and exhaust silencer, sound-absorbing housing, motor and control. It is mainly used for medium and large flow rates (> 6,000 m³/h). It is supplied in the range of 4,000 m³/h to 13,200 m³/h and with maximum differential pressures of 1000 mbar.

Complete range
For smaller and medium flow rates, there is the “Delta Hybrid”, also the most economical of its kind. This belt-driven blower is in construction a synergy between a lobe blower and a screw compressor: it is a blower with a more complex screwing lobe. This gives a greater efficiency than with a pure lobe blower and it can deliver both overpressure and vacuum.


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